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3 tips for great Mother's Day gifts kids can make (that moms and grandmothers will love)!

Mother's day!  Breakfast in bed (is that salt or sugar in the pancakes?), big hugs, and of course hand made crafts and cards from kids presented with pride! Figuring out what to give your mother (or spouse!) for mother's day gets a little tougher as an adult.  (I'm not saying my mother wouldn't appreciate a handmade clay pen holder from me now, but...).  Fortunately, if you have kids of your own, you can tag team with them!  I think most mother's will agree one of the best mother's day gifts (from Dad, or from a mom or dad to their mom) is channeling kids' creativity and love into gifts that can really be enjoyed - hopefully for years to come!...

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9 art-based gifts that kids from toddlers to grade schoolers can make

Using kids' art to make gifts a great way to involve kids in the joy of gift-giving.  Whether you put the art on a tie or scarf through DoodleTurtle, or just frame it nicely, art will be appreciated by the people in your kids' lives. Below are 9 ideas for babies through to grade schoolers: Babies (and up!) 1. Footprints A classic keepsake.  But also versatile!  This can make a great sibling project.  For walkers: Lay out a roll of paper (or tape down several large sheets of regular paper) and a seperate paper plate (with a different colour of tempera paint for each child).  Have them walk along the paper back and forth a few times.  This would make...

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Introducing DoodleTurtle!

Introducing DoodleTurtle... Probably like you, I'm a working parent with kids who are growing up way to fast!  My inspiration for starting DoodleTurtle was the box full of my childrens' creations - all calling out to me to be let out of their box and shine!  Ok, maybe that didn't come out quite right!  But seriously, when I would add something new to that box, I'd regret that these mementos of their changing personalities and abilities seemed so temporary. I wanted to be reminded of those stages and changes!  I wanted to share them!  Then when my daughter got a bit older, I wanted to encourage her creativity by showing her that her Dad and I (and her grandparents, etc) really valued her creations....

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