Customized women's blouse
Customized women's blouse
Customized women's blouse
Customized women's blouse
Customized women's blouse
Customized women's blouse

Customized women's blouse


This flattering chiffon blouse is dressy enough for the boardroom, but comfortable enough for any occasion. The full print, woven top comes with built in underlayer and stretchy waistband for easy worry-free wear.  Very versatile with design options for any art ranging from barely noticeable to awesomely bold. 100% sythetic fabric for long-lasting bright colors and washability. Check out the photos for examples, then just complete the order form below to create your own.

*Shipping note: this product takes longer to create and ship than most of our products (3-5 weeks). 

Order Form:

Your art:


*If attaching multiple pieces of art, please tell us which art should go on this item in the 'Design notes' field below.
Having trouble or need to upload more art? Just email your file(s) (and order #) to


3. More options:

Click here if you'd like to choose more options (like layout, color, and font) or make design notes.

Background color options:
let DoodleTurtle decide
no background (use art as is)
dark green
light grey
charcoal grey
light blue
steel blue
dark blue
sage green
rusty red
light rose

1 If you're scanning your art, we suggest scanning at 600dpi. If you're taking a photo of it, try to use natural light, a steady hand, and highest resolution setting. Be careful to avoid shadows on the art! (see our FAQs for more tips).

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